Emily Noe physical Therapy
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What to expect during visits.

A thorough examination to understand the root cause of your symptoms.

Objective testing for assessment, and to track progress, including Diagnostic Ultrasound Imaging for climbing related finger injuries.

Holistic exercises to address functional movement patterns, in order to return to sport, with an understanding of how to manage training safely.

Manual Therapy FAAOMPT

Emily holds a Fellowship in Orthopedic Manual Therapy- the highest professional classification a physical therapist can have.

Examples of manual therapy that Emily uses are soft tissue work, cupping, myofascial release, taping, joint mobilization, manipulation, and passive stretching.

Services & Insurance

Initial evaluations are 1 hour long and include a thorough assessment process with the goal of determining what is causing your pain.

Follow up appointments are 45 minutes to 1 hour and focus on functional movements patterns, strength, power, flexibility, joint mobility, myofascial restrictions and posture to create a specific training program just for you.

I am a fee for service practice and am not contracted with any insurance companies. I provide individualized treatment every visit, without insurance affecting the quality of care.


What does Emily specialize in treating?

Disc injuries

Tendonitis/ Tendonopathy

Radiculopathy/ Sciatica

Labral/ Ligament sprain or tear

Meniscus tears

Post operative rehab  

Climbing injuries: pulleys & other finger or hand injuries, shoulder dysfunction, tendonitis, TFCC tears, MCL sprain, hamstring strain, etc.

Professional dancers: Back stage care, strength and conditioning coach.

Shoulder, Elbow, Hand , Finger

Hip, Knee, Ankle, Foot

Low Back, mid Back, neck


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